
  • -   Embedded industrial 16 bit 80 MHz CPU and MEMS
  •      accelerometers with 16 bits output resolutions.
  • -  Two trigging algorithms:  PGA and STA/LTA for
  •     determining earthquake events.
    • -  Support Modbus RTU / TCP, NTP time calibration and up to
    •     3  hosts  connections via Modbus TCP simultaneously.
    • ‌-  Two seismic switch setpoints for each digital
    •      output.
    • _   Recording seismic data on user’s PC or laptop
    •       by running PC  utility  monitoring software.
  GST-63-M is an advanced earthquake alarm sensor embedded both PGA and STA/LTA algorithms. Design to reduce the earthquake damage, an alarm can be issued immediately while an earthquake event is detected and determined.

  GST-63-M offers two kinds of triggering algorithms:PGA and STA/LTA for determining earthquake events. PGA stands for Peak Ground Acceleration. GST-63-M offers 10 Hz and 20 Hz low pass  filter which is selectable by users to filter out high frequency signal generated by non-earthquake vibration. The conventional STA/LTA triggering algorithm which is widely used worldwide is also available on GST-63-M.

  Intensity standards both for CWB (Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan) and China (GB/T-17742-2008) are available. Other useful earthquake information is stored and ready for retrieved in GST-63-M. These include triggering time, maximum intensity, maximum acceleration for each component and maximum acceleration in vector based mode. The powerful networking capability features streaming real time data to hosts, which automatically connects up to 2 servers, NTP (Network  Time Protocol) time calibration. With these networking functions GST-63-M is a wonderful front end device for on-site warning.

  With PC utility it is ideal to record seismic data for research purposes and voice warning can be activated if needed. With two outputs and support of industrial communication standard Modbus TCP/RTU, GST-63-M is an excellent product for earthquake safety control in numerous  applications.